Battlefield Guide Services

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

155th Anniversary of the Action on Myer's Hill: On Location, and Authentic Weather To Boot

It's been some time since I've posted here while handling numerous other projects, but today I decided to head up to Myer's Hill on the 155th Anniversary of the fighting there. May 14, 1864. Studying this battlefield has been a twenty year passion of mine, and after an equal effort of advocating for its preservation, I can finally see that goal coming to fruition. Use the "Search This Blog" bar for previous posts I've done regarding other aspects of the Myer family experience and the soldiers engaged here.

The Central Virginia Battlefields Trust has acquired the nearly 74 acres that constitute the core of the action, including the Myer house ruins, and instrumental ground surrounding. Click their link here to learn more and to make a donation toward the purchase.

The following two, short videos were made essentially in real-time as the height of the morning assault by two small regiments of Ayres' Brigade would have been wrapping things up. Rain fell this morning, just as it did then, making for an authentic experience, but a shortened one from what I had originally planned to do. Nevertheless, I enjoy doing these "as it happened" presentations, and I hope you'll find some value in them.

Video One

Video Two


  1. Hi John. Good to see your videos on Myer's Hill and I always enjoy the excellent content on this blog. I'll never forget the time you took me to Myer's Hill for the first time back in 2002. Long time ago. Regards, Todd

  2. And you have helped immensely. I understand the land has been saved by you and other caring individuals. Thank you John.

  3. John, I met you many years ago at a meeting you held at the Snow Hill Library. The purpose of the meeting you to increase interest in preserving Myer's Hill. So happy to know that you succeeded. Congratulations for all your hard work.

    At that same meeting I met Agnes McGee, then owner of the Harris Farm house. She expressed her displeasure to me with a certain developer who she thought had cheated her. I also remember when the Harris house was destroyed. A neighbor, who was also a developer, bought the property-which was not widely advertised for sale- and quickly tore it down citing "termites." He wrote a letter to the FLS as did a friend of his a week later defending the "urgent" need to tear it down. Both letters came across as disingenuous. Too late now, but hard to believe there was nothing to be salvaged from that house. And the Mcmansions which dot the landscape now like so many cow pies are atrocious.

    Keep up the good work.

    Paul Cariker
