Battlefield Guide Services

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Minor House - Coming Down! History Lost

Our friend Stephen Masters brings us very sad news today. The Minor House is coming down. When an asking price of two million, and a 24 hour deadline produced no results, the bulldozers began to remove the early twentieth century expansion of the house. As seen in the following photos, the door and window openings of the original section are quite apparent, despite the overlay of brick on the log structure, and the addition of a second floor.
See our prior posts in July and August regarding the history and location of the structure.

The first image is the most telling, and brings us to the only "then and now" that we will ever see, as the entire structure will soon be leveled.

September 15, 2016.
Photo by Stephen Masters
The tower stood among the debris pile.
January 1862
September 15, 2016
Photo by Stephen Masters

September 15, 2016
Photo by Stephen Masters
General McClellan stood in front of this doorway, as seen in the 
January 1862 photograph below. The original camera position would
 have been located in the area behind the red truck, seen at right.

As close as we will ever see.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... Sad and infuriating all the same time. Especially for a structure that looked very structurally sound.
