Battlefield Guide Services

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Out-of-the-way History in Manassas Park, Virginia. "Yellow Hospital": Then and Now.

      Known as the Duncan House, or Bloom's Grove at the time of the Civil War, this stone structure was also dubbed "Yellow Hospital" due to a "yellow ocher" exterior paint in 1862, when it was photographed by Timothy O'Sullivan. At that time it was under Union occupation, serving as headquarters to the 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry, as well as a hospital. The year before it is believed to have been the headquarters of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston. Today it is known as the Conner House, named for its last 20th century owner.
     The structure had nearly fallen to ruin by the 1970's, but was saved by the local Women's Club, recognizing the importance of its preservation. Now owned by the City of Manassas Park, restoration work will continue when funding permits. The house is surrounded now by offices of Prince William County Schools. The physical address is 8220 Conner Drive, Manassas, VA 20111, near Osbourn Park High School.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this scholarship John. I've always wondered why it had that name. If you look closely at the high-res (LC-B811- 650,the little girl appears appears to be checking out a camera tripod lying at her feet, while the officer on horseback is being handed a message.
